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Understanding Gen X Women with Ada Calhoun


In this episode I am honored to be joined by author Ada Calhoun.

You won't be able to put her book down if you're part of Generation X. In this interview we touch on the specifics of Gen X, why they’re considered ‘the middle child of America’, what defines their dynamics now and we also talk about their marriage, parenting, affairs, singleness and much more.

Journalist Ada Calhoun is the author of NYC History St. Marks Is Dead, essay collection Wedding Toasts I'll Never Give, and Gen-X-defining New York Times bestseller Why We Can't Sleep. In addi­tion to writ­ing her own books, Cal­houn is an A‑list ghost­writer, hav­ing col­lab­o­rat­ed on fif­teen major nonfiction books, includ­ing sev­er­al New York Times bestsellers.



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